Mother Dear gave us our tea… Something is happening around here, not sure what is going on? May be MD is getting low on dog food? None of our bowls have very much food in them just lately. A bit of the dried food with a spoonful of tinned meat and gravy added. It tastes nice but there isn’t very much of it.
We are thinking of going on strike and begging when the family sit down to eat. This is something we never do normally – beg – but we are getting desperate now.
This shortage of food started the day after MD’s friend Angela visited us the other day. Daddy Dave always gives us a treat after he’s had a sandwich, but even he’s stopped doing this. I heard him ask MD if he could give us the crusts but MD said ‘No! Give them to the birds.’
MD said something like ‘We’ve got to get the weight off these dogs.’ What does she mean? We are not even getting any extra titbits lately. We are going to starve to death at this rate.
Another Unexpected Visitor… The phone rang after we’d settled down for a quick nap after our tea. MD spoke briefly then put the phone down and jumped up and yelled at Chris and Daddy Dave, ‘Vacuum the carpet while I do the kitchen…. Danny’s just down the road…’
And sure enough, 10 minutes later, we heard a car pull up on the drive. It was Danny, MD’s oldest son. He doesn’t often pay unexpected visits as he lives in London. But he said it had been a nice day in London and he just felt like going for a ride. So he drove up to see us.
Danny wasn’t happy when Katie and Jazzy jumped up enthusiastically to greet him. He doesn’t like to get dog hairs on his trousers. Silly man… He should wear his jeans when he visits!
He had lots of news to tell MD. He’s been waiting to run this new pub in London, near where the old one was. He and his friend want to turn an area of it into a some sort of German beer room so they are flying off to Munich on Thursday to visit some. I don’t understand it all… I just lay at MD’s feet listening.
Jazz wasn’t too happy as when I’m on the floor she likes to lie on the settee next to MD, but Danny was sitting there. So she found a small ball on a rope and took it to him. He didn’t take it so she dropped it at his feet. He still ignored it so she picked it up and tried to put it on his knee, but it fell off.
Danny just would not take the hint to either play with her of move so she could lie there or get MD to play. I got up and picked the toy up to help get the message across. We began to play tuggy together. This room isn’t large enough for dogs to play enthusiastically in! So we took the toy to Daddy Dave, who threw it a few times for us to catch… Then MD asked us to lie down and settle…
Early this Morning… MD woke early. I looked up at her and she said she was feeling OK this morning but decided to take a couple of tablets anyway, so she could get back into bed and get a little more sleep.
A couple of hours later she got up and gave us our breakfast. Still hardly anything in our bowls. Then he postman knocked on her bedroom window, as he does when he has a package to give her.
It was two books and a DVD for MD to review for the magazine. One of the books was called ‘Border Collie’… An owner’s guide by Carol Price. MD was delighted and looked through the book at the photos in it. One looked just like Titch and another looked like Jazz, and another couple looked just like me!
They were photos of Ilona, my litter sister and her two children. We know them well and have had super runs with them when they have been up here to visit. Arun, Ilona’s son looks like Titch and Lara looks like Jazz. MD was very excited and spent the next hour reading the book.
The other book was called ‘Stafforshire Bull Terrier’, an owner’s guide by Alison Smith. MD has never owned one of these, but we had one to stay once. He bit my old Uncle Solo’s nose which MD was not happy about!
The DVD consists of 4 CD’s: ‘Dog Whisperer’ with Cesar Millan. The blurb says it is the complete first season. As MD has watched all the TV programmes she says she won’t have to watch them all as she’s already seen them. If they aren’t she’ll have to spend a whole day watching them! These will be available from DTW. Once MD has written the reviews, they will be added to their web site.
Time for a quick kip on the settee beside Mother Dear so she can publish this for me…
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