Wednesday, 11 February 2009

DOGS Victoria Bushfire Appeal

If you would like to make a monetary donation toward helping dog owners and their pets who have been affected by the bush fires please use the following methods:




  • All money raised will be shared among our members who are victims of the bushfires

  • A catalogue of ‘the show’ will be given to each of our affected members as a sign of the support of their friends

  • Copies of the catalogue will also be available on the website

  • The catalogue will simply show breed, dog’s name and owner’s name. Why not make an entry in the name of your favourite dog that may no longer still be with you?

  • ANY dog is eligible to enter as there will be special classes for "dogs from mixed marriages" and "rainbow bridge" (dearly departed dogs),

Enter as many dogs as you like


Anonymous said...

Jane l have placed the info on the vetnursing site and l will contact the vet weekly newsletter see if they will help although l do not know what their editorial regulations are.

Unknown said...

That sounds like a really good idea, Jane.